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    • Moving Lead Generation

    Ad Agencies Specializing in Moving & Storage Industry

      If you are familiar at all with the Automotive Industry, you already know that all of the manufacturers are…

    • Moving Lead Generation

    Loyalty Matters No Matter How Big You Are

    In Friday’s WSJ, it was written that Macy’s had recently disclosed that: “9% of its customers account for 46% of…

    • Google Updates

    Why Google Position 0 Is Important to Your Moving Company’s Site

    “Position 0” is the new Google Answer Box. It appears in about 11% of all desktop searches and in about…

    • Moving Industry Updates

    Fewer People are Moving to New Homes Despite Improved Economy

    Now that The Great Recession of 2008–2010 has lessened its grip on the country, how are people who own homes…

    • Moving Lead Generation

    How to Get Long Distance Moving Leads for Your Website

      The lifeblood of any business is sales. In order to get sales you need to have customers. Where do…

    • Moving Industry Updates

    Only a Small Portion of Americans 55+ Move Long Distance

    When there is timely news, we must pass it on quickly to the moving industry ASAP to boost your revenue…

    • Google Updates

    Time to Update Windows Computers After Malware Attack

    Windows issued a security patch March 14, 2017 which would have prevented this attack on any computer. If all of…

    • SEO Tips

    Best SEO Strategies For Moving Companies

    We believe that movers face special needs on their websites that require in-depth expertise and focus. Without a dedicated team…

    • SEO Tips

    Land Your Moving Company Website on Page One of Google

    You know from past SEO Facts that 91% of all searchers don’t search beyond Page One of Google for movers.…

    • Website Design Tips

    Why Does A Moving Company Need A Website?

    Sales and revenue. That’s it... simply to stay alive. How do I know? We’ve been building websites for movers for…

    • Google Updates

    Few Google Users Search Beyond Page One

    People are lazy. They want what they want. They are usually going to take the first sites presented to them.…

    • SEO Facts

    Users Spend Almost 3 Hours a Day on Smartphone

    Research shows that the average Smartphone usage per day is now 2 hours and 51 minutes. Really. This is for…

    • Moving Lead Generation

    How Moving Companies Benefit from Online Reputation Management

    Like it or not: 81% of all B2C prospects do their research online before buying. In B2B, it’s even greater:…

    • PPC Tips
    • Social Media Tips

    Facebook Can Save Movers Money On Generating Sales Leads

    If your site is not “growing” leads for in-home appointments, then you’ve got to buy them. However, here’s a big…

    • Moving Industry Updates

    Is Your Website At “The Hotel California”?

    Do you know if you really own your website? Don’t laugh. This is a real problem and many of you…