When you manage as many moving company websites as we do you can draw parallels that others can’t. Nowhere in Google Tweets or Forums will you learn this, but we see the page rankings. We know it’s true. ...
You will never get to Page One of Google with a site that takes over 5-7 seconds to load. Google just will not permit it. As we bring on new clients to our SEO program we see sites that...
What is FAQ Schema and How Could It Help Your Moving Company?
Looking to maximize the reach of your moving company’s website so that you can draw in more people and convert them into leads? Consider FAQ schema. This is an interesting option that can prove useful for any moving company,...
As more and more moving companies have set up additional offices in an attempt to get listed in the “Map 3 Pack” for multiple locations, there has been more and more abuse apparently. Here’s the skinny on what you...
It’s in Beta testing now but already three of our moving clients are in the test phase on their sites of this new Google My Business (GMB) page feature. Here are the pros and cons: 1. “REQUEST A QUOTE”...
If you’re like 99% of the movers I’ve spoken with this summer you have been slammed with business. In fact, you’re most likely turning business away. But will it continue? There are many theories out there, including: There will...
What is Customer Match and Will It Help Your Moving Company?
There are a few ways for moving companies to get business, and many often use a combination of different methods. One of these ways is using pay-per-click advertising, the most famous of which is Google Ads, formerly known as...
It’s a fairly common problem: Your site is on Page One of Google, but you get very few moving leads from the site. What’s wrong? It’s important that your website is truly a service to your prospects. That means...
We hear it from every client coast to coast. No part of the country has been spared. All of you are turning away business due to lack of help. So, what is working today? JOB SITES: No. They are...
Why You Should Beef Up Your “APARTMENT MOVERS” Page
Why is this important today? COVID again changes our moving world according to this past Friday’s WSJ in which they renamed their Mansion Section “The Rentals Issue”: WORKER SHORTAGE: This is not news to any moving company but it...
MOBILE FIRST INDEXING: Does Your Mobile Site Load in Under 3 Seconds?
What does this mean to you and why is it important? Our takeaways: GOOGLE’S SHARE OF ALL WEBSITE SEARCHES IN THE U.S.: 88.83% in April. ONLY MOBILE MATTERS: Google is only indexing your mobile site as of March. This...
Real Estate Market Trends: $380,000 Home Sales Price in March
What does this mean to you and why is it important? Our takeaways: MORE POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS: With median sales prices of homes up 18% alone in March, the pool of potential customers for a full-service move is increasing. Since...
Two Common Website SEO Mistakes
What are these SEO mistakes that so many make on their websites? All stock images Google reviews that are dated or lacking entirely. This is not new news if you are a regular reader of this email newsletter. We...
SEO PROFITS: Why Is SEO So Profitable
It’s profitable for moving companies that have taken the leap because the potential customer finds it more engaging resulting in more leads. How do we know for sure, and it’s not just opinion? Here’s how in brief: GOOGLE ANALYTICS...
Your Ultimate Guide to Moving Company Keywords (2023)
Search Engine Optimization or SEO is crucial in making sure that your moving business is showing up at the top of Google’s search results. Optimizing your website pages and content with the right keywords can help to get you...