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    wei/Adobe Stock

    Right now, 95% of your prospects are finding you on Google.  That may change very soon.  So, getting your website ranked on Page One or as close to Page One as possible has never been more important.  Here’s why:

    • CONVERSATIONAL SEARCHING:  To compete with Google, Bing…and now…are rolling out “generative AI’ in their search engines.  It’s “generative” because it can predict and write the next word.  It is “AI” because it can read its stored database and provide you with an answer.
    • WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?  No more “10 blue lines” of search results like you have been seeing forever on Google. Now, the search engine listens to your query and it looks up and determines the answer itself.
    • NO MORE PAGES AFTER PAGE OF CHOICES:  The AI in the search engine does the research itself and provides the choices for you, eliminating the additional pages of search results.
    • YOU SPEAK INTO YOUR PHONE…IT PROVIDES YOU THE ANSWERS:  In other words, it reviews the websites, chooses the one(s) it wants and provides its answers.  
    • WHY IS YOUR BRANDING SO IMPORTANT?  If you don’t have a brand with a high-ranking website, the search engine may not find it and not include your site in its answer.  This will hinder potential customers from finding your website.
    • CONSUMER ACCEPTANCE IS STILL UNKNOWN:  We know Alexa and Siri were not widely accepted, so maybe Conversational Searching using Generative AI will not be either. However, is not preparing for it worth the risk?

    You decide, but make no mistake, Google is not going to take a back seat to these new competitors, so some sort of AI is coming to Google Search too…and its name is Gemini.  Stay tuned!

    Onward & Upward!

    For more information:

    Bob Ottaway:
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