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    MOVING SALES IMPROVING: Our moving clients around the country report improving sales and filling up schedules. Is anyone overjoyed? No. But most are keeping busy? Yes. The Fed may even make a ¼ point cut in September, about 75% of Wall Street bankers think. That is positive for more home sales and more demand for movers.

    MORTGAGE RATE REDUCTION IN SEPTEMBER?: The Federal Reserve System is certainly not committed, but factors are beginning to align for such a cut. According to the CBOE Fed Ranker Probability Tool:

    September Rate Cut Probability: 71%

    November Rate Cut Probability: 88%

    December Rate Cut Probability: 94%

    With 60% of all mortgages at a 4% rate or under, homeowners need to see a lower rate to make a move to a new home within their budget.

    Onward & Upward!

    Bob Ottaway:
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