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    Guide to Digital Marketing Tools and Platforms for Moving Companies

    In every industry, there are numerous strategies to promote your services to a target audience. Search engine optimization (SEO) is certainly one of the most important ones, but it also takes the most time to see results.

    On the other hand, digital advertising, also called pay-per-click advertising or search engine marketing (SEM), allows businesses to see immediate results for their advertising efforts. We understand that moving lead generation is the bottom line of your company.

    Sometimes you don’t have the luxury of waiting for your moving company website to start bringing in leads organically. If that’s the case for you, the best way to advertise a moving company will be using SEM and PPC services.

    Before getting into our list of advertising tools and ideas, it’s best to understand exactly what goes into a marketing strategy for moving companies.

    Moving Company Marketing Strategy

    Unfortunately, moving advertising is not as simple as paying and running an ad campaign. A lot of work needs to be done before, during and after your ad runs. If you’re not familiar with the world of search engine optimization and marketing, here is an overview of what goes into digital and pay-per-click marketing:

    • Keyword Research: In order to show up in front of your target audience, you need to know the common language that they all use. Are they looking for “long-distance movers”, or are they looking for “out of state movers”? By researching what keywords are searched for most, your ad will be placed in front of the optimal audience.
    • Landing Pages: If a user clicks on your ad for storage solutions but gets taken to the local moving page on your website, chances are you just wasted money. You need to lead your potential customers through a “funnel” so they get the exact information or service that they’re searching for.
    • Budget Maximization: Leads cost money and depending on the size of your moving business, you might only be able to afford so many per month.
    • Monitor and Report: Assigning an internal or external PPC manager will allow you to develop the most efficient strategy. Not all paid search ads are created equal, and learning what works best goes a long way in saving and making money.

    Digital Marketing Platforms for Moving Companies

    In today’s day and age, you can find a digital marketing service on almost any platform. From shopping ads to local service ads, you must be able to find the right home for your marketing idea. Among your options for digital advertising platforms are:

    Paid Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn – Millions of users access these platforms everyday. All offer low-budget promotional opportunities that allow you to bring in leads and build your brand reputation.

    Search Advertising: Tools like Google Adwords and Google Guaranteed allow you to build customized text ads that show up right on the search results.

    Display Networks: These services allow you to place images of your products and services on over two million websites and 650,000 apps.

    7 Best Digital Marketing Tools for Moving Company Pay-Per-Click Management

    No matter how well written or structured your moving company’s advertising ideas are, they still need to be accurately executed and implemented. Depending on the scale and intent of your campaign, you need to be able to assess the resources available to you and determine the best course of action.

    Below is a list of tools and platforms that you should consider for every campaign:

    1. Google Adwords: The best place to start is Google’s largest digital advertising platform. Google allows you to put your ads directly in front of customers who are searching for your services. The best part? You only get charged if someone actually clicks on your ad.
      Google is the new yellow pages, and AdWords allows you to be the first listing that potential customers see.
    2. Social Media Ads: Sponsored posts, promotional ads, Business pages – these are just some of the PPC advertising options that social media platforms offer. Facebook has excellent targeting opportunities to give you money, and LinkedIn can be very effective for office and commercial sales leads.
    3. Native Advertising: Native advertising falls under the umbrella of different platforms, but in essence, it is a paid ad that looks like a regular post or piece of content. They match the look, feel and function of the platform that they appear on.
    4. Geo-Targeting: Departing from the medium and entering more into implementation, geo-targeting allows your moving company to only target your local market. There’s no point in running an advertisement for local moves if it isn’t going to show up in your local customers.
    5. Retargeting: Almost everyone has noticed it before. You scroll through the internet and wind up on a page selling fidget spinners for your toes. Then for the next week, all you see on websites you visit are ads for foot fidget spinners. Retargeting allows you to serve ads directly to customers who have already visited your site.
    6. Geo-Fencing:Somewhat similar to geo-targeting, geo-fencing allows you to serve ads directly to people who are currently in a specific location and using an app or on Facebook. You literally draw a line around a specific area, and anytime someone enters that area they will be shown your advertisement.
    7. Postcards:There are companies that provide a database and mail postcards to potential customers in your selected zip codes.

    Moving Company Advertising

    As stated at the beginning of the article, there are countless tools and strategies available to get your services in front of consumers. From organic SEO to paid digital advertising, every mover’s goal is the same – generate more moving leads.

    Staying ahead of your local competition starts and ends on the digital landscape. Take the time to understand how to navigate through it so you can implement the most effective and profitable strategy.

    Bob Ottaway:
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