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    Generate Exclusive Leads | Ditch the Sales Lists

    You need sales leads, and you need them quickly. It’s time to start buckling down on marketing efforts for the season, and buying a list of over 1,000 interested sales leads from a list generation company sounds like an efficient solution, right? But acting on that impulse could cause more harm than good for your moving company. So, how can you generate free sales leads?

    The best way to make sure you can continually drive good business to your company is your website. It’s no secret. Along with direct referrals, Google search results are the biggest driver of sales leads toward your website. So, if you can make it onto page one, you’ll be in the best position to have those quality sales leads coming directly to you. Here are our free tips on how you can bring in free, exclusive sales leads for your business.

    Invest in Your Website

    So how do you rank higher on Google Search Engine Results Pages? There’s no quick solution to this. SEO is a long-term, necessary, marketing strategy. Google ranks pages according to how many times the keywords that people are searching for appear on your page. So, the more relevant keywords that appear on more pages of your website, the higher your Google SERP ranking will be.

    This doesn’t mean, however, that your website pages should all be lists of keywords or tag clouds related to moving. (You’ll go down in ranking if the keywords appear too often). And Google uses more than just keyword relevancy algorithms to calculate ranking, including bounce rate (the rate at which people leave your homepage after clicking to it versus the number who click through to other pages), page performance (speed and mobile optimization, for example), and over 200 other components. Whew. And since we’re all just regular humans with only 24 hours in a day, and a business to run on top of that, investing in a company that specializes in optimizing websites for SERP performance and generating sales leads for moving companies, like Marketers for Movers, will make this process painless, and you’ll begin to see more relevant, quality sales leads coming in through your website.

    Generate Quality Content

    While you’re thinking about all this business concerning optimization and Google algorithms, you can’t forget the most important rule: Quality is King! Regardless of how beautifully optimized your website is for Google, if your content is not relevant to the consumer who is reading or watching it, you won’t rank. Oh, the irony!

    What can you do?

    • Generate Quality Content

    Make sure that what you’re putting out is entertaining, engaging and, above all, relevant to your customer’s unique problems. Is your market primarily made up of millennials moving from apartment-to-apartment? What about an aging population who is downsizing into retirement? If you know who your niche customers are, you can be sure that the sales leads you generate will be of the highest quality, and more likely to buy your service.

    • Update Regularly

    The older your blog or video content is, the more likely it is to be out-ranked by fresher, more relevant content from your competitors. The best way to consistently stay engaged with a changing clientele is to make sure you’re delivering fresh content on your blog and your website regularly.

    • Use Video

    Let’s look at some numbers: Pages with video are 53 times more likely to end up on the first page of a Google SERP. Video on a landing page can increase conversions by 80%. By 2021, video will make up over 85% of all web activity.  With these benefits, and an incredible amount of less readily quantifiable ones, including building brand trust between your moving company and consumers, video might just be the most important facet of your new marketing strategy.


    Our team at Marketers for Movers has found, through years of experimenting, that there’s no shortcut for generating good business leads. The only consistent method for bringing quality online sales leads for your company is staying relevant to your consumers (along with playing a good SEO game). So, if you ensure that your website pages are SEO optimized for the audience you want to reach via Google, and you’re updating that website continually with high quality and relevant content (including video!), you will see a steady increase in the free sales leads you generate, and at a higher quality to boot.

    These methods didn’t come from outer space. If you’re not seeing the sales leads results you want to see, the best thing you can do is try something new. You never know what sort of innovations you can come up with, and with some out-of-the-box thinking, you could bring your business to the top of the moving company market.

    Bob Ottaway: President and Director, Marketers for Movers, a division of Ottaway Communications, Inc., 30 Years of Experience in Managing an elite and experienced staff in delivering superior sales results for about 35 clients in Traditional Media and all areas of Digital Media including SEO, SEM, website design and development, Social Media and Reputation Management consultation. We have a well-positioned vertical in Moving & Storage, as well as years of experience in eCommerce.
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