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    Grumpy Over Mobile-Only Indexing?


    As we mentioned a few weeks ago, Google is now only basing your website’s ranking on your mobile version.  This has made some of our clients grumpy (to be polite) and some of our staff disappointed.  Why?  Read on:


    NEW STRATEGY: This is the first time in our internet lives that we can’t have a “beautiful site”…one that “pops” to quote a client or two. Heretofore we could design for the whole desktop/laptop screen. Full-screen. Sliders. Transitions. Big forms. You name it. Not anymore…at least for Mobile.

    LIMITED “REAL ESTATE”:  By that, we mean very limited space for design, offers, phone, name, etc. Think of it as only the space that you see on your phone when you first look at the site. That’s what you really only have to work with.


    CALL(S) TO ACTION: These are so important to have right at the top of your page so they show up on the viewport of your phone upon loading.  


    WHAT IS THE CONSUMER DOING ON YOUR SITE? Seems rhetorical doesn’t it? Well, it’s a discussion we have often, so we know that it is not. This is the overarching question that the little mobile version of your site must answer immediately.  


    “I DON’T GET MANY CONVERSIONS ON MOBILE”: That may be true. And, your Google Analytics may support it, but there is much research out there to show that most searches begin on mobile even if the user later movers to a desktop to actually compete the Get Quote form.  You can’t afford not to be ready.


    It’s now pretty much a Mobile World…like it or not.  Onward and upward!


    For more information:

    Bob Ottaway:
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