How A “Moving Only” SEO Team Gets You Leads Sooner
It’s standard in medicine: If you have a heart problem, you visit a cardiologist. If you are expecting a baby, you visit a gynecologist. So it only makes sense that if you are in the moving and storage business you would talk to a company that specializes in building websites for movers and performs search engine optimization (SEO) for moving companies.
Why choose an SEO company that specializes in moving companies? Here is a short list of what to expect:
- They Have Seen It All Before:
That is to say that if you hire a company that has designed websites for movers, if you hire a company that has optimized sites for moving companies, you are hiring people who have a deep understanding of your type of business and industry. They will not waste time on designs and content that doesn’t work very well.
- They Build a Site That Generates Leads:
They will streamline the design of your site to lead the visitor to filling out your Get Quote form. Yes, the “look” of the site is important. Yes, you want to appeal to the visitor who is in the market to buy. But, you want a conversion. That is to say, you want a form completed for a quote… either online or by in-home appointment, however, you sell.
- They Know What to Ask on the Get Quote Form:
A company that specializes in Moving & Storage knows the best design for Get Quote forms. The questions to ask. What turns prospects off and inhibits them from submitting the form. It’s an art as much as a science. Specialists in moving and storage know this.
- Understanding Home Page Design:
A team that specializes in Moving & Storage knows what designs work best. Don’t assume that the big national van lines know what they’re doing on design and copy them. Most of their sites are never on Page One of Google. About the only national Moving & Storage company almost always on Page One is Two Men & A Truck. Mary Ellen Sheets and her family have done a phenomenal job with making this “startup” into a national powerhouse. Their website design does not lend itself to being copied due to their franchise-based structure, however. (Hats off to Mary Ellen. She is a survivor who is worth millions!)
- Understanding Interior Page Design:
A website for a Moving & Storage company is a mix of a “brochure site” and a “conversion site.” The interior pages must sell too. Some visitors may land on an interior page first. A “moving only” website team knows this and understands this, so whether you need a brand new site, or just optimization, a specialized team for movers knows what to do… now… without wasting your precious time.
- Website Basics:

It is only natural for a businessman or woman like you to watch your pocketbook and stay within your budget. But what if your budget is simply too small? What if what you want to do won’t work? How will you know if you’re wasting your money unless you talk to a Moving & Storage website optimization specialist team that has been designing moving websites for almost 10 years. You won’t! And that is a huge problem. As a specialist, they know what will not work on Google. They can’t always predict what will work because Google changes their algorithms all the time, but they can show you what you will need to do to be competitive. And, a company like ours that is so successful can afford to tell you you’re not a good fit if you won’t take our recommendations. We don’t want to see you lose time and money… and we don’t want a failure on our hands. Any website optimization firm should do this to avoid a slow death on Google.
- Hyper-Competitive Markets and What To Do:
A top moving and storage website design team will know that what works in market size 500, will probably not work in market size 10. Knowing what your website is up against in getting to Page One is a big part of the battle. Remember, your site has to move up in rank against all the sites ranking in front of it today. And, by all means, don’t look at the rankings on your computer and think that they are accurate because they are probably not. You will need to check them without (1) proximity search enabled and (2) without Google’s “machine learning” enabled. Talk to your webmaster about how to perform a search like this. When you do, you’ll see where your site really is ranking and you will then be able to make a well-informed decision about your needs.
- The Moving & Storage Business Is Unique:
It’s expensive to get a new customer. Once you have moved a customer, you probably won’t see them for a decade. They may never be back. So you are in the business of always getting new customers unless you have national accounts and other exceptions. Your website needs to be extremely well optimized. It needs to deliver enough leads every month to soak up your capacity. You need to run promotions to spread the summer business over the “shoulder months.” A moving website specialist understands this and has promotions in action to get you these leads. Sure, you’re going to do well from June 1st to September 1st, but what about the other months? Let us show you how.
There’s more to share, but let’s let this digest. It’s a lot to think about. A lot to talk about with your people. Good luck and happy selling!