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    If you’re somewhat familiar with buying AdWords, you’re probably familiar with buying “clicks.”  Well, those days are over.  Now you can buy “conversions”.  How does Google do this?  By using billions of pieces of data to get you the best prospect to convert in 100th of a second.  Skeptical?  Yes, we were too.  But not anymore.

    If you want to perfect your advertising beyond your SEO Marketing, Google Ads (formerly AdWords) is a top choice.  Many clients wish to boost their presence online, and this is the best way to do it.  Here’s how:

    1. First, your website must allow the embedding of a Google tracking code or snippet.  If it does not, you cannot avail yourself of this feature.
    2. You may be able to set up this Google Ad campaign yourself, but most likely, you will need the help of a professional.  Google has really stepped up its game.  If not set up properly you will loose the advantages that Google machine learning and artificial intelligence offer.
    3. Your ad campaign, once set up, will not start immediately anymore if you choose to “maximize conversions.”  You must allow about 5 days for the Google computers “to learn” your website and your new campaign in order to get the most conversions.
    4. You can track form completions, such as a Get Quote form request, as well as phone calls to your office.
    5. Eventually, you can set up a “target CPA” which means you can tell Google how much to pay for a conversion.  This feature requires monitoring and is not precise to begin with, but over time can be useful.

    If it sounds too good to be true, believe me it isn’t, but it all will not happen overnight.  Like with all marketing it takes some trial and error and constant updating to get the biggest bang for the buck.  However, it is a new frontier and one that you should try if you need more leads asap.

    Onward and upward!

    For more information:

    Bob Ottaway:
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