Making a living in a commodity business takes fortitude and guts. “Coasting” is not an option. Why? You’re at parity with every other moving company out there. We don’t like to think about it that way…but that’s the way our prospects see us. So, what should you do?

THINK LIKE YOUR CUSTOMER: How are they going to evaluate your business? How are they going to judge you? For starters:

  1. WHAT IS YOUR COMPANY’S IMAGE? How does your website portray your company?  How does your website compare with your competitors’ websites?
  2. WHAT IS SPECIAL ABOUT YOUR MOVING COMPANY? Do you offer anything that your competitors don’t? Do you have any special offers?
  3. HOW WELCOMING IS YOUR MOVING COMPANY? You are spending a fortune to get future customers to phone you, so how easy is it for them to speak to you on the phone? Do you have an elaborate phone tree with 10 “touch this” instructions or do you have a real person to assist them? “First impressions….”
  4. HOW ARE YOUR EMPLOYEES DRESSED? T-Shirts and Levi’s? Not just the driver and crew, but the gal or guy that shows up for the in-home survey, or is on the video interface?
  5. DO YOU HAVE A COMMUNITY COMMITMENT? What are you giving back? Future customers…especially the younger ones…are very conscious of this.  
  6. AWARDS? MEMBERSHIPS? AFFILIATIONS? Prospects pay attention to these achievements. They lend credibility and points of differentiation.  
  7. GOOGLE CUSTOMER REVIEWS: Old, dated reviews are a killer. The best SEOed site in the world can’t overcome a most recent review being from 4 months ago. Your satisfied customers may be your best “commodity-killer”.

We provide no service to you if we don’t act as a resource for you, since you will only succeed by hearing the truth and then acting on it! Yes, this is strong medicine, but you need to be aware of how your future costumers think.

Onward and Upward!