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    New Artificial Intelligence Comes To AdWords

    GOOGLE ADDS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TO GET YOU BETTER RESULTS. Moving companies can test more headlines and ad descriptions, letting Google’s computers decide what to display. Maybe this will reduce costs. Here’s how:

    1. Write up to 15 different headlines
    2. Write up to 4 different ad descriptions of 90 characters each.
    3. Use “pins” to tell the computer to show specific keyword phrases.

    Now the Google computers will “mix & match” your moving headlines and descriptions to see which ones produce the most clicks. Google calls this “serving-time optimization”. Your ads will learn and improve over time. In addition, Google will provide you with a list of specific headlines and tally how many times they have been shown.

    Being in front of your customer when they are ready to move is the key to getting a sales lead. Take a look at these “Responsive Search Text Ads” that are in Beta. Now you have dozens more keywords to use to reach the customer and get the sale.

    Being in front of your customer when they are ready to move is the key to getting a sales lead. Take a look at these “Responsive Search Text Ads” that are in Beta. Now you have dozens more keywords to use to reach the customer and get the sale.

    Great to see so many of you at AMSA. Thanks for stopping by our booth. Onward and upward!

    Ready to join the conversation? Just reply to this email!

    Looking for the other great developments in moving company PPC? Check out Google Guaranteed ads.

    Bob Ottaway:
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