It’s a fairly common problem: Your site is on Page One of Google, but you get very few moving leads from the site. What’s wrong?
It’s important that your website is truly a service to your prospects. That means observing the most famous radio station call letters of all: WII-FM. “WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME?” That’s about all that matters at any stage in a sale really. How are you connecting with the customer? Is your website all about YOU? Or is it, hopefully, all about THEM.
Working with moving companies since 2010 we have observed a lot, and learned a lot. Every mover wants to brag about his or her business, but unless it’s helpful to the prospect it’s a real “tune-out”. Be careful here. Make it all about the prospect.
In listening to a recent podcast by Kim Komando and Tim Ash, a few reminders of what makes a great landing page were discussed. We’ll review them over the next few weeks, but to start:

- Do not clutter the landing pages.
- Make the offer stand out.
- No BS. Keep it simple.
- Prioritize what is important on the page.
More next week as we dissect and rework your landing pages for better engagement and more leads. Onward and upward!
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