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    Pics, photos, images—they go by many names, but they all relate to the “engagability” of your website.  It’s why people spend less than 20 seconds on some websites’ Homepage, and why others have page session duration of well over a minute or more.  Here’s why:

    1. CONTENT:  You can’t ignore helpful and relevant content, but it’s not enough.
    2. IMAGES:  Lots of photos make a site interesting and provide a window into your business.  We recommend one photo per thumb scroll.
    3. STOCK V. YOUR PICS:  While you may think stock photos make your site look “sharp,” “great,” and “cool,” the prospect does not.  They see them as fluff, placeholders, and even fake.
    4. PHOTOS YOU TAKE WITH YOUR CELLPHONE:  Photos you take are far more engaging than stock photos.  The prospect sees you as being transparent and letting them see who you are and what your business looks like.
    5. GOOGLE LIKES YOUR PHOTOS MORE THAN STOCK:  They have said that they won’t lower your rank just because you are using stock photos, but they won’t raise it either.
    6. ONLY USE LICENSED PHOTOS:  Most stock photos are not royalty-free.  Avoid “cease and desist” letters and even lawsuits for $900-$1500.  Always buy your stock photos if you decide to use them.


    Google likes transparency.  Google likes trustworthy websites.  Take your own photos.  Make your site work for you.

    Onward and upward!


    For more information:

    Bob Ottaway:
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