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    Real Estate Market Trends: $380,000 Home Sales Price in March

    What does this mean to you and why is it important? Our takeaways:

    1. MORE POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS: With median sales prices of homes up 18% alone in March, the pool of potential customers for a full-service move is increasing. Since Residential Moving is a zero-sum game “with the winner take all,” you have got to have your site ready and your sales people well trained, and ready to go.
    2. MORE HOMES COMING ON MARKET: This will vary, of course, market-by-market, but there seems to be an uptick in homes being listed. This bodes well for more home sales, and, consequently, more potential customers for moving companies.
    3. 1,021,000 HOMES SOLD IN MARCH: This number was up from the revised February number of 846,000 and way up from the March 2020 estimate of 612,000.
    4. 307,000 NEW HOMES FOR SALE: This seasonally adjusted rate represents only a 3.6 months supply. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, HUD, April 23, 2021

    It’s been a busy winter for all of our moving clients and hopefully, you have enjoyed the same experience. The West Coast remains a backlog for all long-distance moves, and doesn’t have any prospect of loosening up soon. Our “whisper number” is one van in for every three vans out.  

    We hope you are able to make the most of the current potential customers in your market. Onward and upward!

    For more information:

    Bob Ottaway:
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