(248) 385-5912
SEO Facts, Sales Leads


SEO Facts


Our primary, overarching job is to get you more sales leads. That’s what a sales lead generation company like Marketers For Movers is hired to do. Then why is it so hard?

  • GOOGLE HAS 95% OF ALL SEARCH TRAFFIC:  Why does this make getting your site to show up difficult? Because Google sets the rules. 
  • GOOGLE RULE #1:  NO SPAM. As we said recently, Google acknowledged that in a recent year 40% of all searches in the EU were spam. Amazing! 
  • HOW DOES GOOGLE BATTLE SPAM? By changing their algorithms (mathematical formulas) 6 times per day. This makes keeping up with Google a full-time job.
  • WHAT IS GOOGLE LOOKING TO ACCOMPLISH? Trust. Pure and simple, trust. And just think about it, that’s what you want from a company you hire or a product you buy. You want to be able to trust in that service or product.
  • HOW DO WE ACCOMPLISH GETTING GOOGLE TO TRUST YOUR WEBSITE? It’s very complicated but they lay it out in their Guidlines which are 169 pages long. Let’s boil it down to some simple requirements for this week’s newsletter:
  • ABOUT US PAGE:  You must tell your audience about who you are. Who runs the company? Who works at the company? How did you get started? Lay out some company history. Show headshots of management and others who you think are important.
  • LIST YOUR BUSINESS ADDRESS: Even if you don’t expect anyone to actually come to your door, prospects use it to determine whether you are a real business or not.
  • LIST YOUR LICENSES:  If appropriate, list them all. This again builds trust.
  • GOOGLE BUSINESS PROFILE:  Very important, and please keep updated. This really is the cornerstone of trust for Google


This is a good starting point for you. Make sure all of these points are implemented right away on your website to get more sales leads. More next week!

Onward & Upward!

More info: Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines

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Marketers For Movers is a US-based company providing marketing and advertising consultation to moving companies and has done so since 2010. Call for services and pricing.

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