Why You Should Beef Up Your “APARTMENT MOVERS” Page

Why is this important today? COVID again changes our moving world according to this past Friday’s WSJ in which they renamed their Mansion Section “The Rentals Issue”:

  1. WORKER SHORTAGE: This is not news to any moving company but it is impacting high-paid white-collar jobs too.  
  2. WORKER PERKS: In order to induce prospective workers to take the job, the employer is offering apartments and condos with leases included. Some furnished. Some are not.  Many are accepting and staying 4 months or so and moving on to another free lease.  It’s called “Nomading”.
  3. RENTALS, IN GENERAL, ARE TAKING OFF: It’s no secret that there is a defacto shortage of single-family residences in most parts of the country, and then with so many people able to work from home, at least part-time, the rental segment is growing.
  4. “APARTMENT MOVING”: Make sure you have a page on your website dedicated to this. Maybe one for “CONDO MOVING” too if it’s relevant to your market. The closer your content is to the prospects’ search, the more likely Google will show your site on Page One of their search returns. That’s what you need for traffic!

SEO MATH MADE EASY: It’s really this simple folks: “TRAFFIC makes possible CLICKS.  CLICKS make possible LEAD SUBMISSIONS.” So in short-hand: Traffic=CLICKS=MOVING LEADS.

Onward and upward!

For more information: https://marketersformovers.com/blog/seo-guide-for-moving-companies/