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    Up until now, most CEOs and business schools would have voted “employees” as their most valuable asset.  Times are changing as technology gains a bigger role according to research done by Korn-Ferry in 2016.  

    For moving companies, many would argue that your website is your most valuable asset.  Why?

    1. MOVING IS NOT “TOP OF MIND”:  That is to say that people are not buying your moving brand on a regular basis. You are not selling McDonald’s hamburgers.
    2. STAYING “TOP OF MIND” IS EXPENSIVE:  Few if any moving companies advertise in mass media…Radio, TV, Newspapers, Billboard…as each ad is reaching an audience that is 99.999% not interested in your message. If a person is not looking to move, why would they pay attention to your ad? Highly inefficient use of your marketing budget.
    1. NEED TO ADVERTISE TO PROSPECTS WHO ARE IN THE MARKET TO MOVE:  This seems obvious but so few movers really do it.  
    2. YOUR WEBSITE IS YOUR #1 MARKETING TOOL:  This is where your prospect will find you. Must have a “storefront” to engage with the prospect and your website is the face of your business. It must be impressive.
    3. GOOGLE IS TODAY’S “YELLOW PAGES”:  It is where 94% of your future customers go before they decide to hire a mover.
    4. ARE YOU MISSING MANY OF YOUR FUTURE CUSTOMERS? You are if your website does not appear on Page One of Google for either an SEO Search or a Proximity Search. Sure, you get some referrals, but just think how much more robust your pipeline would be with these prospects added to it?
    5. EMPLOYEES DO COME AND GO…YOUR WEBSITE IS FOREVER: If you are not getting traffic to your site, it is your fault. Look at your Google Analytics with your SEO company and decide on a strategy. Free moving leads from your site begin with traffic to the site.

    For moving companies, websites are where it all begins. Unless future customers can find you, you’re struggling. Now it’s your move!  Onward and upward!

    For more information:

    Bob Ottaway:
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